Thursday 2 May 2013

Jawbones, Customs and Contractions

I never have dreams I'm at home and comfortable. I'm almost always travelling, and usually with a group. Is that weird? This one is from this morning:

I was on some kind of group outing/trip. The dream originated in an auditorium/cafeteria with a Starbucks. My dad and husband were there, and we were trying to get lunch quickly so we could head up to hear a speaker of some sort. I remember there being loads of caesar salad and nothing else. My entire tray was loaded up with it but kept being spilled or lost by those around me - my dad tipped it over, by husband left it balanced precariously on a ledge - and eventually I gave up. We sat in this cafeteria for a while and I was steaming mad over this damn salad.

The cafeteria warps into a larger, older, grander version of my house. It has huge front windows that stick out so far that they are actually in the street. I'm staring out the window watching kids go by for school. It's a mix between me watching the kids throw things at my window and watching a crack around the window grow and grow. I'm getting increasingly more anxious as the dream progresses until I leave to catch a school bus myself.

I'm on the bus and we're travelling to another country - Mexico, I realize. The bus is pulled over for an inspection at customs and we're informed we must stay at the border overnight so they can search our bus. The roof of the bus disappears and the whole thing morphs into some kind of long, narrow dormitory common room with one of the long sides open to this customs office. I'm sitting on the floor behind some man with long hair who is looking at my legs and telling me that they make me look pregnant because they're so hairy. I become completely embarrassed and pull my legs to my body and pull my pantlegs down as far as possible. I turn around and my husband is on the couch behind me smiling, looking very relaxed. I get up to sit on the couch with him and find a feather pillow which has been torn apart and stuffed with human jawbones and various other little bones. There is dried blood on everything. I realize suddenly that I'm pregnant and having contractions and that there is a murderer on the bus - I understand why they have kept us overnight to search the bus.

I'm completely naked and going into labor, covered in the dried blood from the bone pillow. I leave the bus to go tell the customs officers about what I've found. I'm hit with a contraction and dig my nails into the wall next to me and my belly. The officers stand and stare at me. I tell them I can't be on the bus with the murderer, I know they want my bones and those of my baby for their pillow. I'm told I can go into an adjacent room for safety while they look into the situation.

The adjacent room contains two other women. Both are very pretty and blonde, dressed in very outdoorsy clothing. Hiking boots, cargo pants, big heavy sweaters. I still stand naked and covered in dried blood. Time passes and I'm struck with the realization that these two women have been the murderers all along. I leave without saying a word and return to the customs office which is now in an airport terminal. I walk along the terminal, with travellers streaming past me in all directions. Contractions. Contractions. Each time I dig my nails into my belly and a wall next to me, both which are spongy and soft like bread dough. I'm standing behind a glass enclosed display case, gripping onto the wall, when someone approaches from behind me. "Are you okay?". It's a man, and his daughter comes to stand next to him. I am aware that for each second I don't answer the man, more and more people come to stop and stare. I tell him I'm fine, I just need to get home. I realize how sticky I am from this dried blood. I know if I tell the man I need help or that I'm in labor I will be killed.
