Monday 29 April 2013

Zombies and Silver in Alaska

Forgive me for missed details - it has been a few days since this dream.

I was walking around what I knew to be Alaska. It wasn't icy, wintry Alaska, but rather like Northern Ontario in the early spring. I didn't know where I had to be, but I was confident I'd know once I'd arrived, and I had a sense of urgency - needing to be there *now* before something dire happened. I came upon a cold, clear stream. I could see rocks and large, glittery fish. Suddenly I'm standing in the middle of it on a class trip of some sort. It's a tour - look at the rocks, see the fish. We're surrounded by huge, looming evergreens and the sound of the tour guide's voice fades, and I'm wandering away on my own, once again on my mission.

Cutscene and I'm seeing myself from outside my body. I'm with a group of people in a very modest room without windows - felt like a basement. No furniture but a lamp, some garbage and sleeping bags we're all getting out of. There's an old silver flask in the middle of the room we're huddled around. Each one of us takes a sip - it's liquid silver and we're told it will keep us alive and protect us from the radiation. Suddenly I'm aware that it's the apocalypse and everyone has died or is quickly dying from radiation poisoning. I go outside and there are several vehicles of different ages and makes, covered in dust. I have to find one to take to go looking for supplies and survivors. I start checking them all, wanting to get the best one before the rest of the group arrives, looking for the newest, prettiest one. I'm looking inside the one I've chosen, the driver's door is open and I'm bent down into the car. I come out and there is a zombie there, eating from the neck of someone. I start thinking about how I should kill it to stay safe, when I see the zombie is also suffering from radiation poisoning. It's moving slowly, lazily, falling apart. Flesh and muscle tissue hangs from its limbs. I realize I need to hit out its legs to immobilize it and keep myself and the group safe. I'm feeling unwell - nauseated, dizzy - and suddenly start to panic that I haven't had enough of the silver. I'm getting sick, radiation poisoning has started to set it, and I'm stuck in the middle of a field with these cars in the forest by myself with irradiated zombies slowly moving in on me.


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